My First Year As a New Fur Dad!

Ian Courts
5 min readJan 11, 2022

A brief chronicle about my journey with my first puppy, Theo, my year old American Cocker Spaniel.

Theo, my merry cocker!

By: Ian L. Courts¹

Last year, 2020, was a tough year for everyone. I graduated from law school, graduation was canceled, studied for the bar exam (which I passed), started a new job, and moved states away to a new city. I was lonely and wanted to have something to care for, I mulled adopting a cat or a dog, and I eventually decided to become a pet parent in March of last year. It was the best decision of my life!

First 2 Months — Building a Relationship; New Beginnings

Theo at 2-months, the first 24 hours together.

I adopted Theo when he was eight weeks old, and I was the first person he encountered apart from the breeder and his litter. I remember my first time holding him — his little tail was wagging, but he was also shaking; both he and I were excited about this new relationship and nervous! See, I had not had to take care of anyone apart from myself, and I was embarking on a new adventure of caring for this other living being! The responsibility weighed heavy on me.

During the first two months of owning a young puppy, you are planning and attending vet appointments, buying puppy toys, furniture, and supplies, and bonding with your new family member. There was sooo much I just didn’t know, despite all the puppy forums and websites!

Moreover, puppy-proofing is a real thing because your little one gets into A LOT! Theo was exploring his new home, the smells, the corners, the sights, the laundry, every place he could go — he went.

Four Months — New Adventures and Trust

Theo at four months, full of spunk!

My little guy was still learning his environment, getting to know me, and ultimately himself. He never left my side and sight but became more exploratory of our apartment and surrounding environment. He had grown slightly bigger but was still cute and cuddly and desperately in need of grooming! Each day we grew closer, yet this was also when I began to leave him at home alone when I would go to work. Separation anxiety was real for us both, especially for him, but we got better with time, trust, and patience.

During these months, I also began to introduce him to our neighborhood slowly, and we went on daily walks down the block. Theo enjoyed the sights and sounds! He chased birds and never met a stranger! I actually think he looked at me and smiled while we walked!

Six Months — New Personality and Commitment

Theo, at six months, was alert and attentive.

By the six-month mark, Theo’s personality was on full display. He is an energetic, playful, loving, and excitable cocker! Indeed, the definition of a merry-cocker! He loves walks, playtime, and meeting new people! Moreover, he is an attention freak! LOL. He loves to be the center of attention and to have all affection doted on him.

During this time, he began shedding his hair, and I needed to invest in a vacuum and daily brushing and sweeping.

8 Months — Bonding and Loyalty

Theo, at roughly eight months, is enjoying his favorite toy!

By Theo’s eight-month mark, we were firm friends. We had a routine, and we understood each other well. Moreover, Theo adjusted to our apartment and did not cry the entire time I was away from home at work. He began to explore and sleep throughout the home and got used to the apartment sounds. Further, he had new experiences such as the groomer and exploring a different part of the neighborhood. Life had become regular and routine, such as feedings, walks, playtime, and new friends, sights, and smells. He knew my voice, smell, and, generally, my daily routine.

12 Months — One Year and One Lifetime of Bonding

Theo is a dignified one-year-old.

Today, January 11, 2022, my little buddy turns one year old. This birthday is a milestone for him because he has made it to his first birthday — full of joy and energy. Also, it's a celebration for me because I have cared for this little life which has made it twelve months! Months full of belly rubs, laughs, cuddles, kisses, chases, and love. As much as he needed me, I needed him. So, today, I celebrate your birthday, Theo! Cheers to one year, and I look forward to the many more to come!

[1]: About the Author: Ian Courts is a young millennial attorney with expertise and a passion in American and international law and politics. Ian received his BA in Political Science from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro in 2017, in 2020 he received his J.D. from North Carolina Central University School of Law, and in 2022 Ian received his LLM in International Criminal Law and Justice from the University of New Hampshire School of Law. Ian lives in Philadelphia where he is an appellate lawyer and the proud fur-dad of two American Cocker Spaniels.



Ian Courts

Attorney, Young Black Voice, Law & Politics Observer. HBCU Law Alumnus, and Fur dad!